Thank you for being here. When I started my full time company in music and design in 2020, I made a decision that we’re not just hiring—we’re building. What we’re creating is more than a business; it’s a new road, a new vision for what it means to thrive in the creative industries of design, music, and beyond.The way we create hasn’t changed—art, design, and music remain as timeless as ever. But let’s be real: the industry itself has transformed drastically, especially in the wake of the global shifts after COVID. The old ways of doing things no longer apply, and neither do the traditional business structures. That’s why this isn’t a typical job opportunity, and this isn’t a typical application.This form is not an interview, nor is it a final decision. It’s a window into who you are—your skills, your passions, and how you approach creativity in a world that demands we innovate just to stay ahead. By completing it, you’re helping us build something new, something adaptable, something better.We’re not bound by convention, and neither should you be. This is your chance to step into a space where your creativity can redefine boundaries, your voice can shape culture, and your work can help lay the foundation for an entirely new way of doing business.Take your time, be honest, and don’t hesitate to showcase what makes you unique. This is a step toward being part of a revolution in how creative industries operate. Together, we’re building the road as we walk it.Founder,
Tre Smith